The forge ​family

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There is a dream inside of you waiting to ​be birthed, and we are here to help Forge ​the way.


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About us...

Welcome to The Forge Family!

At The Forge Family, we believe in the power of community-driven growth. Our Family is built around each other, where members come ​together to support, inspire, and learn from one another.

Through our vibrant Discord community, members engage in weekly video meetings with their small groups. These meetings provide a ​dedicated space for personal connection, sharing experiences, and mutual encouragement. Additionally, our faith, fitness, finances, and ​family channels on Discord offer opportunities for members to engage in ongoing discussions and support related to these key areas of life.

Whether you're seeking guidance, accountability, or simply a sense of camaraderie, The Forge Family is here to empower you on your ​journey. Join us as we forge meaningful connections and pursue growth together as a united Family.

Welcome to The Forge Family – where every member's journey is valued and supported.

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What to ​expect...

Joining The Forge Family means embarking on a journey of growth and connection with like-minded individuals dedicated to supporting ​each other in every aspect of life. Here's what you can expect as a member:

**Weekly Small Group Meetings:** Every week, you'll participate in a video meeting with your small group. These meetings are the heart of ​our community, providing a space for deep connection, learning, and support.

**Rotating Topics:** Each week, a different member of your small group will select a topic for discussion. This ensures a diverse range of ​perspectives and interests, allowing everyone to contribute and learn from each other.

**Hot Seat Sessions:** In the second half of your small group meeting, we have the "Hot Seat" session. This is your chance to bring ​forward any question, obstacle, or issue you're facing and receive valuable advice and encouragement from your group members.

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Every Hot Seat session is given a minimum of 15 minutes, but if the group wishes to continue beyond that time, they are encouraged to do ​so. It's a powerful opportunity to harness the collective wisdom and support of the group. The Hot Seat session embodies the mastermind ​function of the group, where collective brainstorming and problem-solving take place. No matter what challenge you're grappling with, you'll ​find a supportive community ready to help you navigate it.

At The Forge Family, every member's voice is valued, and every journey is supported. Join us as we forge meaningful connections, grow ​together, and empower each other to achieve our dreams.

Forge ​together

The Forge family

There is a dream inside of you waiting to ​be birthed, and we are here to help ​Forge the way. #ForgeTogether 🔥⚒️

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